- EOTC Television - ዝማሬ (በማኅበረ ቅዱሳን መዘምራን እና በዲ/ን ቴዎድሮስ) እና ትምሕርት (መጋቢ ሃዲስ እሸቱ አለማየሁ) - Duration.
- EOTC Television - ዝማሬ (በማኅበረ ቅዱሳን መዘምራን እና በዲ/ን ቴዎድሮስ) እና ትምሕርት (መጋቢ ሃዲስ እሸቱ. ማኅበረ ቅዱሳን መዝሙር / Mahibere Kidusan mezimur - Playlist. Updated 7 days ago; 1 video Play all.
The best Amharic books ever, as voted on by the general Goodreads community.
1 | ከአድማስ ባሻገር by 3.52 avg rating — 617 ratings
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2 | ፍቅር እስከ መቃብር by 3.88 avg rating — 531 ratings
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3 | የተቆለፈበት ቁልፍ by 3.67 avg rating — 393 ratings
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4 | እመጓ by 3.94 avg rating — 329 ratings
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5 | ትኩሳት by 3.62 avg rating — 686 ratings
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6 | ኦሮማይ by 3.93 avg rating — 292 ratings
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7 | ከአሜን ባሻገር by 3.77 avg rating — 243 ratings
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8 | ሰመመን by 3.82 avg rating — 302 ratings
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9 | Dertogada by 4.18 avg rating — 274 ratings
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10 | ሌላሠው by 3.90 avg rating — 177 ratings
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11 | አልወለድም by 3.73 avg rating — 173 ratings
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12 | ቆንጆዎቹ by 3.79 avg rating — 171 ratings
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13 | ደራሲው by 3.91 avg rating — 107 ratings
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14 | አራቱ ኃያላን by 3.60 avg rating — 65 ratings
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15 | እሳት ወይ አበባ by 4.23 avg rating — 78 ratings
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16 | ግራጫ ቃጭሎች by 4.12 avg rating — 95 ratings
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17 | እንቅልፍ እና ዕድሜ by 3.57 avg rating — 124 ratings
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18 | የልምዣት by 3.77 avg rating — 75 ratings
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19 | የቀይ ኮከብ ጥሪ by 3.87 avg rating — 87 ratings
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20 | መግባት እና መውጣት by 4.09 avg rating — 97 ratings
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21 | ሌቱም አይነጋልኝ by 3.75 avg rating — 135 ratings
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22 | ልጅነት by 4.23 avg rating — 79 ratings
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23 | መልክአ ስብሐት by 3.58 avg rating — 33 ratings
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24 | አደፍርስ by 4.28 avg rating — 36 ratings
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25 | የቡርቃ ዝምታ by 3.54 avg rating — 56 ratings
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26 | የተወጋ ልብ by 3.48 avg rating — 29 ratings
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27 | መረቅ by 4.16 avg rating — 55 ratings
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28 | አምስት ስድስት ሰባት እና ሌሎችም ታሪኮች by 3.98 avg rating — 86 ratings
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29 | እቴሜቴ ሎሚ ሽታ by 3.98 avg rating — 42 ratings
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30 | የቢሾፍቱ ቆሪጦች by 3.83 avg rating — 46 ratings
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31 | አንድ ለናቱ by 4.28 avg rating — 43 ratings
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32 | ወንጀለኛው ዳኛ by 3.68 avg rating — 53 ratings
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33 | ዙቤይዳ by 4.34 avg rating — 58 ratings
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34 | አለንጋና ምስር by 4.24 avg rating — 37 ratings
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35 | ይወስዳል መንገድ ያመጣል መንገድ by 4.43 avg rating — 44 ratings
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36 | ዐፄ ዮሐንስና የኢትዮጵያ አንድነት by 4.30 avg rating — 20 ratings
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37 | የኤርትራ ጉዳይ by 4.16 avg rating — 25 ratings
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38 | ትዝታ by 3.62 avg rating — 29 ratings
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39 | ጠጠሮቹ እና ሌሎች by 3.69 avg rating — 26 ratings
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40 | የሁለት ሐውልቶች ወግ እና ሌሎች by 4.03 avg rating — 31 ratings
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41 | የቃየን መሥዋዕት by 3.94 avg rating — 36 ratings
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42 | ስማችሁ የለም እና ሌሎች by 3.85 avg rating — 20 ratings
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43 | የደራሲው ማሰታወሻ by 3.68 avg rating — 47 ratings
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44 | ሰባተኛው መልአክ by 3.97 avg rating — 59 ratings
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45 | ዐፄ ምኒልክና የኢትዮጵያ አንድነት by 3.75 avg rating — 16 ratings
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46 | የቴዎድሮስ ዕንባ by 4.44 avg rating — 9 ratings
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47 | ስብሐት ገብረእግዚአብሔር ሕይወትና ክህሎት by 4.19 avg rating — 21 ratings
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48 | ፍቅር እዚህ ቦታ ፈገግ ብሎ ነበር by 3.79 avg rating — 33 ratings
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49 | አፍሮጋዳ by 3.22 avg rating — 9 ratings
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50 | ስብስብ ግጥሞች by 3.87 avg rating — 55 ratings
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51 | ምርኮኛ by 4.33 avg rating — 15 ratings
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52 | እኛ የመጨረሻዎቹ እና ሌሎች by 3.53 avg rating — 34 ratings
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53 | በራሪ ቅጠሎች by 4.19 avg rating — 75 ratings
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54 | አብዮቱና ትዝታዬ by 3.68 avg rating — 28 ratings
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55 | ዶክተር አሸብር እና ሌሎችም by 4.16 avg rating — 50 ratings
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56 | ማስታወሻ by 4.52 avg rating — 23 ratings
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57 | የህሊና ደወል by 4.19 avg rating — 52 ratings
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58 | የጋዜጠኛው ማስታወሻ by 3.52 avg rating — 42 ratings
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59 | መጽሐፈ ትዝታ - ዘአለቃ ለማ ኃይሉ ወልደ ታሪክ by 2.75 avg rating — 8 ratings
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60 | ኦቶባዮግራፊ by it was amazing 5.00 avg rating — 7 ratings
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61 | ባርቾ by 4.04 avg rating — 23 ratings
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62 | ወሪሳ by 4.17 avg rating — 24 ratings
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63 | የበደል ፍጻሜ by 3.50 avg rating — 4 ratings
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64 | ረቂቅ አሻራ by 3.94 avg rating — 16 ratings
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65 | ሕማማትና በገና by really liked it 4.00 avg rating — 27 ratings
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66 | የአብዮት ማግሥት (ማዕበል, #3) by 3.88 avg rating — 8 ratings
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67 | አባቴና እምነቱ by really liked it 4.00 avg rating — 8 ratings
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68 | ድርሳነ ፖለቲካ - ፍልስፍናዊ እሳቤዎች by 3.50 avg rating — 10 ratings
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69 | የአብዮት ዋዜማ (ማዕበል, #1) by 4.30 avg rating — 10 ratings
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70 | ፍካሬ ኢትዮጵያ by 3.90 avg rating — 21 ratings
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71 | የመንጌ ውሽሚት እና ሌሎችም ውብ ታሪኮች by 4.12 avg rating — 17 ratings
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72 | የምሽት እንግዳ by 3.86 avg rating — 7 ratings
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73 | ግርዶሽ by 3.97 avg rating — 29 ratings
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74 | አልቦ ዘመድ by 4.37 avg rating — 19 ratings
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75 | የፍሬሿ ማስታወሻ by 2.92 avg rating — 13 ratings
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76 | አባ ደፋር እና ሌሎች አጫጭር ታሪኮች by 4.60 avg rating — 10 ratings
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77 | ባሻ ቅጣው by 4.40 avg rating — 5 ratings
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78 | የብርሃን ፈለጎች by 4.22 avg rating — 23 ratings
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79 | መቆያ by 3.50 avg rating — 4 ratings
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80 | ማሕሌት by 4.83 avg rating — 23 ratings
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81 | ትንሣኤ by 4.67 avg rating — 6 ratings
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82 | ከደንቢያ - ጎንደር እስከ ዋሽንግተን ዲሲ (ከደንቢያ - ጎንደር እስከ ዋሽንግተን ዲሲ, #2) by liked it 3.00 avg rating — 6 ratings
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83 | ተረት ተረት የመሰረት by 3.15 avg rating — 27 ratings
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84 | ብር አምባር ሰበረልዎ by 3.83 avg rating — 6 ratings
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85 | ጽላሎት by really liked it 4.00 avg rating — 7 ratings
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86 | ታሪካዊ ተውኔቶች by 3.88 avg rating — 8 ratings
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87 | ጠልፎ በኪሴ by 3.75 avg rating — 8 ratings
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88 | የቄሳር እንባ by liked it 3.00 avg rating — 14 ratings
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89 | የአብዮት መባቻ (ማዕበል, #2) by 4.25 avg rating — 8 ratings
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90 | አጥቢያ by 4.12 avg rating — 8 ratings
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91 | ደማሙ ብዕረኛ by liked it 3.00 avg rating — 3 ratings
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92 | ጉዞው by 3.12 avg rating — 8 ratings
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92 | ሉዓላዊነትና ዲሞክራሲ በኢትዮጵያ by 3.67 avg rating — 3 ratings
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94 | ጭጋግና ጠል እና ሌሎች by 4.33 avg rating — 3 ratings
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95 | ስም ከመቃብር በላይ by liked it 3.00 avg rating — 2 ratings
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96 | የመጪው ዘመን ቴክኖሎጂና ኑሮ by 4.60 avg rating — 10 ratings
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97 | መንገድ ስጡኝ ሰፊ by 4.33 avg rating — 12 ratings
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98 | ቄሳርና አብዮት by 4.38 avg rating — 16 ratings
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99 | የከፍተኛ ትምህርት ዘይቤ by 4.70 avg rating — 10 ratings
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100 | እምቧ በሉ ሰዎች by 3.78 avg rating — 9 ratings
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Comments Showing 1-38 of 38(38 new)
really it is nice to see transfer such valuable knowledge from generation to generation.hopefully go on.thanks a lot.
great thanks to the owner of this website, some people give bad things to the new generation but not you, you are the great,
go a head
go a head
can I read these books what I select on Internet
ኦሮማይ በምን ታምር ከ10 ምርጦች እንዳልገባ ሊገባኝ አልቻለም ለኔ አንደኛ ነበር የገብረክርስቶስ መንገድ ስጡኝ ሰፊ በጣም ታች ወርዷል እንደጥቆማ ሄሎ ካሽን ወይም ሌላ የገንዘብ ማስተላለፊያ በመጠቀም ለሃገር ዉስጥ አንባቢ ማድረስ ቢቻል በጣም ጥሩ ይሆናል
The outer cover of the books presented on the internet is amazing.
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We are invited to read,but all folders are locked this is more amazing.
Thanks a lot for ur trial to motivate people to read books. When I see those books I was salivating to turn from pages to pages but it is not accessable. Please as much as possible let us read those books or tell us if there is any other website which let us.
Melody wrote: 'Where can I purchase these books?'
Dear Melody,
If you inbox me I could even perhaps send you some of the listed. Just paying forward.
Dear Melody,
If you inbox me I could even perhaps send you some of the listed. Just paying forward.
Samuel wrote: 'ኦሮማይ በምን ታምር ከ10 ምርጦች እንዳልገባ ሊገባኝ አልቻለም ለኔ አንደኛ ነበር የገብረክርስቶስ መንገድ ስጡኝ ሰፊ በጣም ታች ወርዷል እንደጥቆማ ሄሎ ካሽን ወይም ሌላ የገንዘብ ማስተላለፊያ በመጠቀም ለሃገር ዉስጥ አንባቢ ማድረስ ቢቻል በጣም ጥሩ ይሆናል'
ሊስቶፒያው የሚሰራው ያው በአጠቃላይ እዚይ ያሉ አንባቢዎች የሰጡትን የኮከብ ብዛት በማየት አማካዩን አውጥቶ ነው:: አንዳንድ ጊዜም የመጽሀፍቱ መኖር ብቻም ሳይሆን እዚህ አባል የሆኑ አንባቢያን በሚሰጡት ይሁንታም ይወሰናል ማለት ነው:: ድምጾች እኩል በሚሆኑ ጊዜ ግን በፊደል ቅደም ተራ ያስቀምጣቸዋል:: ለምትወደው መጽሀፍ ስሜትህን በኮከብ ማስቀመጥም አትርሳ ያን ጊዜ የምትወደው መጽሀፍ በሊስቱ ቁንጮነት ደምቆ እንዲጠብቅህ እድል ትሰጠዋለህ::
መልካም ንባብ::
ሊስቶፒያው የሚሰራው ያው በአጠቃላይ እዚይ ያሉ አንባቢዎች የሰጡትን የኮከብ ብዛት በማየት አማካዩን አውጥቶ ነው:: አንዳንድ ጊዜም የመጽሀፍቱ መኖር ብቻም ሳይሆን እዚህ አባል የሆኑ አንባቢያን በሚሰጡት ይሁንታም ይወሰናል ማለት ነው:: ድምጾች እኩል በሚሆኑ ጊዜ ግን በፊደል ቅደም ተራ ያስቀምጣቸዋል:: ለምትወደው መጽሀፍ ስሜትህን በኮከብ ማስቀመጥም አትርሳ ያን ጊዜ የምትወደው መጽሀፍ በሊስቱ ቁንጮነት ደምቆ እንዲጠብቅህ እድል ትሰጠዋለህ::
መልካም ንባብ::
Tadesse wrote: 'Thanks a lot for ur trial to motivate people to read books. When I see those books I was salivating to turn from pages to pages but it is not accessable. Please as much as possible let us read thos..'
Dear Tadesse,
Good reads is a website for books that you read, would like to read in the future and to know what titles are there on a specific topic you might be interested in. It keeps them cataloged if stated shortly.
To help you with your question. Try the below links for books to read.
For Christian Amharic Books;
For poetry books
For Amharic books of different genre
Hope this helps,
Dear Tadesse,
Good reads is a website for books that you read, would like to read in the future and to know what titles are there on a specific topic you might be interested in. It keeps them cataloged if stated shortly.
To help you with your question. Try the below links for books to read.
For Christian Amharic Books;
For poetry books
For Amharic books of different genre
Hope this helps,
Endalamaw wrote: 'where I can get these books here in Ethiopia?'
Different bookstores in Addis Ababa and other towns of Ethiopia have most of these books.
Different bookstores in Addis Ababa and other towns of Ethiopia have most of these books.
I want to read but how
like i want to download the books
like i want to download the books
Brhane wrote: 'Please how can I get those books'
go to the biggest book store in addis
go to the biggest book store in addis
Tigistu wrote: 'Lelasew deserve a beter position'
Please vote on the books you like and share the list with your friends so that they can vote on it as well.
Please vote on the books you like and share the list with your friends so that they can vote on it as well.
oromay ke and eske asr wst megbat neberebet lemn algebam kesu yeteshale altayegnm.
እባካችሁ የሃይለመለኮት መዋዕል ድርሰት የሆነውን “የወዲያነሽ” የተባለውን መጽሐፍ ፈልጌ ነበር፡፡
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እባካችሁን አልኬሚስቱን አስነብቡን መጽሃፉን ላገኘው ስላልቻልኩኝ ነው እባካችሁን አመሰግናለው
Melody wrote: 'Where can I purchase these books?'
Endalamaw wrote: 'where I can get these books here in Ethiopia?'
Tadesse wrote: 'Thanks a lot for ur trial to motivate people to read books. When I see those books I was salivating to turn from pages to pages but it is not accessable. Please as much as possible let us read thos..'
you can find most of these books in www.liktera.com an online and offline book selling platform you can find in Ethiopia! Just Register and add the books you want to order and we deliver to the nearest location of whereabouts.
Atrsaw wrote: 'how can i purchase to read these books'
checkout www.liktera.com
checkout www.liktera.com
message 38: by Habtamu (last edited May 10, 2019 12:22AM) (new)
how i can read those book oline
Eotc Books Pdf In Amharic
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